
Come join us and help build a stronger Logsden community!

The purpose of the Logsden Community Club is to build and maintain a sense of community in the greater Logsden area. Through various means of communication, social events, educational seminars, recreational activities, and current-event forums, our charitable non-political Club works to foster a welcoming, friendly, and safe community atmosphere.

Why become a member?

  1. You will get to know your neighbors and discover the numerous talents and resources that are found within our community. You can also find out who might need a helping hand now and then.
  2. We have monthly potluck dinners. Attending is a great way to catch up on local happenings and learn more about a variety of interesting topics from guest speakers.
  3. You have the opportunity to work alongside fellow members and feel a sense of community by volunteering to help with Club activities.
  4. You can become part of our Firewise USA community and learn ways to protect your home from wildfires. Our Club is also recognized as a Red Cross Receiving Center if and when an emergency hits our area.
  5. Our Club can be rented for weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, and more. Members receive a significant discount on rental fees.
  6. Members get a FREE admission when we hold events that require an entrance fee.
  7. Every year our Club donates to local non-profit organizations that help strengthen our community. 

Does this sound like the kind of group you would like to join?  If so, we invite you to become a member of the Logsden Community Club! A full calendar year Family Membership is only $25.  A half-year Family Membership is $15.

Make check payable to:
Logsden Community Club

Return to:
Logsden Community Club
P.O. Box 67
Logsden, OR 97357